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7 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Do Something Great in 2022

7 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Do Something Great in 2022

I'm sure you have heard some of these before, but I bet there are a few new ones in here that you didn't know. Hopefully, this will give you just enough motivation to get through the rest of your day! 

-- Confucius "When walking with two other people, they should be ahead of me."  "I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge. I am one who is fond of antiquity and earnest in seeking it there." "The superior man thinks always how he may benefit posterity, so as to establish virtue; the common man thinks only how he may enjoy himself, so as to live merrily." "A youth is apt to follow where anything calls him, be it what it will, whereas an older man is apt to refer that which he follows to where he ought to follow." "The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar." 

"Even in my early days, I saw many instances of this. When men are at work they are generally thinking about what they are doing. When I was digging at the well, I found a skull. It suddenly flashed upon me that, death must be the destination of all men. At that time it was quite clear to my mind that life lay between death and life." 

"When walking with two other people, they should be ahead of me." 

"I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge. I am one who is fond of antiquity and earnest in seeking it there." "The superior man thinks always how he may benefit posterity, so as to establish virtue; the common man thinks only how he may enjoy himself, so as to live merrily." "A youth is apt to follow where anything calls him, be it what it will, whereas an older man is apt to refer that which he follows to where he ought to follow."

"The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar." 

"Even in my early days, I saw many instances of this. When men are at work they are generally thinking about what they are doing. When I was digging at the well, I found a skull. It suddenly flashed upon me that, death must be the destination of all men. At that time it was quite clear to my mind that life lay between death and life."

"When walking with two other people, they should be ahead of me." 

"I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge. I am one who is fond of antiquity and earnest in seeking it there." "The superior man thinks always how he may benefit posterity, so as to establish virtue; the common man thinks only how he may enjoy himself, so as to live merrily." "A youth is apt to follow where anything calls him, be it what it will, whereas an older man is apt to refer that which he follows to where he ought to follow."

"The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar."

1. What are some New Year's resolutions you can make now to save time in 2022 

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but it's New Year's Eve, and I'm looking for a way to keep myself entertained. With all of the resolutions out there, it can be difficult to find something that fits my lifestyle. Here are some instant resolutions that will save me time in 2022.

1) Save time on Facebook - The first thing that I would do is stop scrolling through Facebook for hours on end! How much time have I wasted this week by doing this?

2) Save money on food - Stop wasting my money on take-out and menu items that don't provide me with the nutrients and vitamins that I need. All of these foods just leave me feeling hungry and gross within an hour of consuming them.

3) Save time and energy by not procrastinating - Instead of staying up late to do work for my company, I'm going to try and push it back until tomorrow! And besides, what's the worst thing that can happen?

4) Stop wasting water - By simply taking shorter showers each day, I can save up some water for the future. I'll make it a point to do this every day!

5) Save time by not worrying about what everyone else is doing - Stop wasting my time on social media comparing myself to all of these people! Sure, they might live in bigger houses or have more kids than me but does that mean that I'm not just as successful? I'll just focus on what matters to me and that's all that matters.

6) Save time and money by waking up earlier - I'm going to get up at 6:00 AM tomorrow morning and work out for an hour before heading into the office. Maybe if I take care of my body, it will help me take care of my mind.

7) Stop focusing on all of this negativity - I think that the biggest resolution in 2022 is to stop caring about what other people have to say about me. If they're going out of their way to post negative things, why should I even bother replying? They only do it because they want a response. I'll find more productive things to do with my life.

Happy New Year's Eve! Reply if you're looking for ways to make your resolutions stick or if there are any that caught your eye.

2. How to plan ahead for the New Year 

1. The best way to start off the New Year is with a plan 

2. Make a list of resolutions and set dates for them 

3. Write down your goals and create a timeline for achieving them 

4. Be realistic about what you're capable of doing in the next year, and then break it up into monthly tasks that are doable 

5. Create an action plan to get there - make sure it's achievable but challenging enough so you'll actually want to work towards it! 

6. Get started on your plans now by setting up automatic bill payments, paying off any outstanding debts, or making sure all your insurance policies are paid up-to-date! 

7. You can also use this list of quotes to help you decide what you want to do in the next year! Remember: it's never too late to set a goal and go after it if that's what you really want."

3. Tips for setting goals that will last until 2022 

1. Make your goals realistic and achievable. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to accomplish something that's unrealistic.

2. Write your goals down and keep them somewhere where you can see them every day. This will help you stay motivated to achieve them.

3. Break your goals down into smaller steps so you can track your progress and stay on track.

4. Celebrate each milestone as you reach it, but don't get complacent and let yourself fall off track.

5. Keep adjusting your goals as necessary to make sure they always reflect where you want to be in 2022.

6. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There's no shame in reaching out to your support system when you're feeling overwhelmed.

7. Have fun and enjoy the journey that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be in 2022.

4. Ways to stay motivated and on track with your goal setting throughout the year 

One thing that has always worked for me is to start with a vision or goal. Remembering that vision or goal throughout the year helps keep me motivated and on track. I also find it helpful to set small goals throughout the year that I can work towards. For example, when I started my blog in January, one of my goals was to publish at least four posts every month. This way, I'm constantly working on goals without feeling overwhelmed by setting unrealistic goals for myself.

It's New Year's Eve and you're looking for a way to entertain yourself. Sure, there are tons of ways to do that but here are some suggestions for things you should never say in a job interview.

5) A list of things you want to do before 2022 arrives

- Move to a new city

- Learn a new language

- Visit the Taj Mahal

- Quit your job, go freelance and start blogging for travel magazines

- Submit your manuscript to literary agencies

6) A list of things you should never say at a job interview 

1. I don't have any work experience

2. I think you should change your company logo

3. What would my day-to-day responsibilities be?

4. I'm a really slow reader so this job might not suit me well

5. Can we have some snacks here for the interview? 

6. I've been living in my car for six months and didn't realize how bad it smelled until now 

7. How much do you pay an hour?

7) Top 100 New Year's resolutions that will inspire you to be a better you in 2022

Here are our top 100 New Year's resolutions for you to look at and choose from. As a way of holding yourself accountable this next year, why not post your resolution on social media so friends and family can see what you're aiming for.

1. I will be more patient in my relationships with others

2. I will stop being so negative 

3. I will spend less time looking at my phone 

4. I will read more books 

5. I will be nicer to people 

6. I will speak up when something is wrong 

7. I will take care of myself instead of taking care of everyone else


No matter what your goals are for the new year, it's important to take some time tonight and reflect on all that you've accomplished. Whether you're looking at a vacation photo album or reading through an old journal entry or two, this is a night where it can be beneficial to both your mental health as well as your career focus. Take some time tonight before midnight strikes to make resolutions about how you want 2019 to go - even if they seem small in scope! You may not know now what those will look like but by taking these few minutes of reflection beforehand, everything else seems easier when the ball drops later on this evening.

What would happen if we told ourselves "I'll do something great" every day? What would our lives look like if we prepared ourselves every morning before we go to work for the day? It's a powerful thing and it doesn't require that you set your goals too high, just that they're reasonable and that you know what it takes to get there.

Unfortunately, this isn't something we can accomplish in one night despite what some people might lead you to believe. It takes a long time for this mentality to permeate your brain and become a part of the way you think on a daily basis. While that can be discouraging, it's also what makes achieving these smaller goals that much more rewarding in the end.

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