Hair problems: Get to the root of hair problems
Tried everything but still worried about excess hair fall, hair thinning and early greying? You’re not alone. Every day, thousands search desperately for positive, quick and easy ways to overcome hair problems. However, there are no instant magical solutions; the underlying issue must be addressed for longterm solutions.
Hair fall is caused due to various reasons, including lack of nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, aggressive weight loss, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, physical and mental stress, hereditary and improper intake of medication. Although hereditary patterns cannot be modified easily, most often, hair problems can be prevented by: Strengthening the hair — hair nutrition, hair and scalp hygiene. Correcting underlying reasons — lifestyle changes, hormonal balance and proper therapy.
Hair is made up of a protein called keratin and anchored by a hair follicle into the skin. The hair bulb at the base of the follicle is nourished with blood supply. Amino acids and nutrients in the blood synthesise keratin, thus growing hair as a hair shaft. The rate of hair growth differs from people to people; the average rate is around one-half inch per month. Colour of your locks is created by pigment cells producing melanin in the follicle.
An average adult loses between 50 and 100 strands per day, going up to 150 sometimes. Normally, new hair grows in place of lost strands. But when it doesn’t or when excess hair falls prematurely, it leads to a receding hairline or low hair density. Since hair grows from the bulb, ie, bottom of the hair, any attempt to build healthy hair starts deep from within.
Apart from adopting a balanced lifestyle with timely sleep, nutritious diet, regular exercise and a relaxed mind, two important factors for healthy hair are internal strength that comes from proper nutrition and external hygiene, which includes maintaining hair and scalp hygiene for protection and damage control.
However, people mistake external cleaning and polishing for hair nourishment. External hair is built of dead cells and cleaning it periodically is important to prevent hair from becoming sticky and to protect it from mechanical damage. Learn the basics and techniques on proper cleaning and combing. Choose what is suitable for your hair and use the way it is recommended.
Proper nutrition is critical to build healthy hair. Poor nutrition is attributed to a majority of hair problems like excess hair fall, early greying, poor growth, split hair, thinning of hair and dry scalp. Food rich in biotin (vitamin H or B7), vitamin B3 and C, other B vitamins and minerals, need to be supplemented adequately through egg, liver, fish, dairy products, whole grains, nuts like almonds and fruits, which contain varying levels of these vitamins. Especially with age and stressed lifestyles, intake and absorption of vital nutrients become poor. So, additional supplementation of right hair nutrition is important.
Biotin is a vital ingredient that improves your body’s keratin infrastructure, resulting in production of healthy and strong hair. It is found commonly in our diet but in small quantities.